Day 2 begin with a Skype call to my folks- it’s their 37th (right?) anniversary!! Congratulations mom & dad, you guys are amazing!!

And now we handle the fashions of September 9th, kinda of a hit or miss situation. Some shows had absolute pearls in them (Emerson, Antonio Azzuolo, Luca Luca), some shows I got the point but not the execution (Electric Feather,  Billy Reid- forgive me Ms. Wintour, it came later). But let’s start from the beginning, chronologically.


What: Womenwear

Where: Studio at Lincoln Center.

Who: Jackie Fraser-Swan

I’m gonna get to the point, I thought this show was great- mainly because every type of woman can find something in this collection. There’s something in it for the punk girl, the business woman, the party  animal, the museum goer, the adventure seeker and the handkerchief dropper (va va va-voom). Oh, and me.

I’m going to repeat what I said in a previous fashion week post; I’m LOVING how dark this spring is gong to be. It’s about fucking time. And like in previous shows this week, we see a lot of asymmetry and playing with textures. Are the designs somehow inspired by the revolutions around the world? I sure do hope so, it’ll be 100 times more beautiful if so.I thought this show was great, the styling was very good and the collection was cohesive.

Luca Luca: 

What: Womenwear

Where: Stage at Lincoln Center.

Who: Raul Melgoza

Luca Luca’s Raul Melgoza presented a beautiful spring collection. Yes, it was very spring-like, with very bright colors and a whole lot of them but I’ll forgive him;

  1. Because I love this collection (you’re about to see why).
  2. Because of the amazing fabrics choices.

I’ll let the photos do the talking. 

Melgoza’s understanding of the female body is fascinating. 

Electric Feathers: 

What: Womenwear

Where: Box at Lincoln Center.

Who: Leana Zuniga

Personally, this collection didn’t move me. I didn’t care for the choice of fabrics and I think it’s approachable to only a small group of women. But I’ll let you be the judge.

In conclusion; if Kate Bush would have a child with the Prince of Persia this would probably be her taste in fashion.

Billy Reid: 

What: Men’s & Womenwear

Where: Milk Studios.

Who: Billy Reid

This collection was great, but it’s weird. When I saw it at first I thought “Meh” but the more I look at these looks, the more I appreciate it. It’s like a Joanna Newsom album, when you hear it for the first time you want to break the stereo and after the 4th and 5th time- you’re hooked.

A. A. Antonio Azzuolo : 

What: Menswear

Where: Milk Studios.

Who: Antonio Azzuolo

I saved the best for last.

Mr. Azzuolo, amazing fucking job!! I want to shake your hand and maybe later bear your children, we’ll see.

Antonio Azzuolo presented a gorgeous collection, with incredible details and beautiful fits that would look good on any man with good taste. Anything I would say further would just take away from it. Here are the photos.

White Shoes, we meet again. The art of attention to details. 

And on this note I’ll leave you be for today and hope you’ll come back to see more MB Fashion Week coverage tomorrow.

Plus, I promise, you’ll get a super embarrassing story tomorrow that will absolutely crack you up.

Thank you for reading and stay fantastic.


Karin Elgai